Aims and Scope

The main aim of the conference is to provide a forum for the sharing of new ideas and recent advances in human language processing and to promote cooperation between the research communities of computer science and linguistics from the Baltic countries and the rest of the world.

The conference aims to bring together scientists, developers, providers and users to discuss state-of-the-art of HLT in the Baltic countries, to exchange information and to discuss problems, to find new synergies and to promote initiatives for international cooperation.

Main topics of the conference are (but not limited to):

  • Multilinguality in language resources
  • Human Language Technology applications

The conference is the successor of the four previous Baltic HLT conferences held in Riga (2004), Tallinn (2005), Kaunas (2007). and Riga (2010)

Invited Speakers

Lori Lamel (CNRS-LIMSI)
"Multilingual Speech Processing Activities in Quaero: Application to Multimedia Search in Unstructured Data" [slides] [video]
Steven Krauwer (CLARIN ERIC, Utrecht University)
"A Multilingual Research Infrastructure for the Humanities" [slides] [video]

Conference Organisers

Conference is Supported by

EXCS logo, Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond, Eesti tuleviku heaks

Sponsorship Opportunities

Please contact conference organizers for sponsorship opportunities.