Eesti keeles

About transcription

The corpus is transcribed by the transcription of the conversational analysis (CA) in a modified way as follows:

Function Form
short interval (max 0.2 sec) (.)
timed interval (2.0)
latching at end of utterance word=
latching at beginning =word
drawling ::
emphasis underlining or ` in the beginning of the emphasized syllable
falling intonation point
fall not to low comma
raising intonation ?
comment ((text))
item in doubt {text}
unreachable text {---}
begin of overlap [
end of overlap ]
glottal cut off do-
slower talk < text >
faster talk > text <
lowered volume * text *
loud volume CAPS
in-breath .hhh 
out-breath =h (at the end of word)
imitation @ text @
laughing voice $ text $