
Neeme Kahusk

22. august 1963
Teaduslikud huvialad:
semantika, arvutileksikonid, sõnatähenduste ühestamine, psühholingvistika
Erialane haridus:




  1. Neeme Kahusk, Kadri Vider Semantic Relations in Glosses and Explanations: Do They Help? Third International Wordnet Conference, GWC 2006. Jeju Island, Korea. lk. 191-198.
  2. Kerner, K., Vider, K., Kahusk, N. Sõnatähendused ja nende ühestamine tekstides. Keel ja arvuti. TÜ üldkeeleteaduse õppetooli toimetised 6 Tartu 2006, lk 97-104


  1. Neeme Kahusk, Kadri Vider TEKsaurus - The Estonian WordNet Online. The Second Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies, April 4-5, 2005. Proceedings, lk. 273-278.


  1. Vider, K. and Kahusk, N. HLT makes sense in Word Sense Disambiguation of Estonian The First Baltic Conference Human Language Technologies: The Baltic Perspective Riga, Latvija 2004 lk. 174-178


  1. Kahusk, Neeme A Lexicographer's Tool for Word Sense Tagging According to WordNet Proceedings of Workshop on Wordnet Structures and Standardisation, and how these Affect Wordnet Applications and Evaluation; Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002). Toim. D. N. Christodoulakis, C. Kunze, L. Lemnitzer. ELRA, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2002 lk. 1-7
  2. F.Rinaldi, J.Dowdall, M.Hess, K.Kaljurand, M.Koit, N.Kahusk, K.Vider Terminology as Knowledge in Answer Extraction TKE-2002, Nancy, France, 2002 pp. 107-112.
  3. J.Dowdall, M.Hess, N.Kahusk, K.Kaljurand, M.Koit, F.Rinaldi, K.Vider Technical Terminology as a Critical Resource. Proc. LREC-2002, Las Palmas, 2002, Vol. VI, pp. 1897-1903.
  4. Kahusk, N., Vider, K. Estonian WordNet Benefits from Word Sense Disambiguation Kogumikus Proceedings of the 1st International Global WordNet Conference Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, India, 2002, lk. 26-31


  1. Kahusk, N., Orav, H., Õim, H. Sensiting Inflectionality: Estonian Task for SENSEVAL-2 Kogumikus Proceedings of SENSEVAL-2 Second International Workshop on Evaluating Word Sense Disambiguation Systems 2001, lk. 25-28


  1. Kadri Vider, Neeme Kahusk, Heili Orav, Haldur Õim, Leho Paldre Eesti keele tesaurus Kogumikus Arvutuslingvistikalt inimesele Tartu 2000 lk 127-152
  2. Neeme Kahusk, Kaarel Kaljurand, Mare Koit, Kadri Vider Kasutajaliides info hankimiseks elektroonilisest käsiraamatust: Zürichi ja Tartu ühisprojekt. Kogumikus Arvutuslingvistikalt inimesele Tartu 2000 lk. 167-182


  1. Bachmann, T; Mager, K; Sarv, M; Kahusk, N; Turner, J Time-course of spatial-attentional focusing in the case of high processing demand on the peripheral precue European Journal Of Cognitive Psychology 11 (2): 1999 167-198


  1.  Bachmann, T; Asser, T; Sarv, M; Taba, P; Lausvee, E; Poder, E; Kahusk, N; Reitsnik, T Speed of elementary visual recognition operations in Parkinson's disease as measured by the mutual masking method Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Neuropsychology 20 (1): 1998 118-134


  1.  Bachmann, T; Kahusk, N The effects of coarseness of quantisation, exposure duration, and selective spatial attention on the perception of spatially quantised ('blocked') visual images  Perception, 26 (9): 1997 1181-1196

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